Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Story

Im running...running to a wonder of no where.  I hear sirrens.  BEEP BEEP calls a speaker.  I trip. Stummble, and hobble to reach my destination.  So I guess this is when my story can begin.  On a rainy afternoon.  Sunny?  Im not sure.  Cant see a thing.  Power is out here in Club Penguin.  No heat...AHHHHH just the way I like it.  Whats that??  Oh its just my silly puffle, Story.  I named my puffle Story...mostly because he likes it when I read him stories.  Bounce bounce, thats his way of communicating.  Over the years I learned that that means its time for a story.  Some are long, some are short.  It honestly depends on the my mood.  Im sitting...waiting for the perfect moment.  To start...

The Story

     Ok. I know that the power is out in Club Penguin... but that cant stop me!  So I get back on my feet.  Running...running.  Non stop until I reach my destination.  As I run I wonder...  What is life like.. like out of the city...not Club Penguin...but the world.  You see no penguin has EVER left the island of Club Penguin.  Well...exept Rockhopper but thats because hes a pirate.  Could I be the first penguin to ever leave the island!?!?!?  I looked it up on my laptop.  I COULD!  But the real question or questions are where will I go???  Who will I meet???Will I bring someone???  And most importantly...could I survive???  Well I guess I will never know the answers untill I try!  Ill go and talk to Aunt Arctic tomarrow. 

AUNT ARCTIC!  I have something to tell you!  Im going on an expedition!!!  "Oh sweety...Club Penguin just finished their Wilderness Expedition.  Where on earth could you be going???"  EXACTLY!  Im going somewhere ELSE on earth OTHEN THEN CLUB PENGUIN.  "WHAT!!!  NO ONE HAS EVER GONE OUT OF CLUB PENGUIN!!!  WELL EXEPT"  I know I know Rockhopper blah blah blah.  But this is different!  I want to see the world!  I want to travel to exotic places!  Meet new "Meet new what?  New penguins, or polar bears?  Or something that could kill you???" AGAIN EXACTLY!  I dont know who im going to meet!  As Gary would say... im at the mercy of the breeze.  "What???"  Oh its just a saying but the point is im leaving tomarrow off the island and im honestly not sure when ill be back.  Then I stormed out of the room.  I took a second thought at the idea, mabey Aunt Arctic is right... NAH ill be fine.  Ill go talk to her tomarrow morning at dawn just before I leave.  Then I thought, how will I tell my friends that im leaving for who knows how long and im not sure if ill ever be back?  "HEY BUDDY OVER HERE!"  Oh no.  Its my best buddy, Billybob.  I slowly drag myself near him.  But not to close, I dont want him to think anything weird is going to happen.  "Whats the matter?"  RATS!  He susspects something.  I dont know what to do now.  Umm... I umm got to go!  HEY COME BACK HERE!!!  I HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU!!!"

Friday, December 3, 2010

The Path

The Path is a long rigorus trail that has many surprises.  Such as lakes, streams,trees blocking the way, ice, and a beast... To horrible to discribe lies at the end of the trail.  Club penguin sends 3 brave but yet scared nights down the path to face the beast.  Although not a single one has returned.  Some say the beast grabs them and eats them.  Others think that they just get lost and dont know how to get back.  So its that time again for where Club Penguin will send 3 brave worriers down the path.  The EPF is also going to send there best guys down the path.  Waltle who was just rescued from Herbert.  Slidoo and Slider33.  Sensei also demanded that he will send 3 ninjas, 2 fire ninjas, and 2 water ninjas.  So it ended up being 13 penguins going on this journey.  That morning everyone gathered around in the ski village to await the arrival of the penguins that were going on the trip. Just as they were about to take off Rookie burst out of the Everyday Phoning Facility saying "is it to late?  Did they leave yet I want to go to!"  "Rookie? Do you REALLY want to risk your life?"  Sure enough he said yes and they were off.  Not knowing what lies ahead of them but only trouble.  The first day they encountered many challenges.  The biggest challenge was a tree in the path.  Everyone climed over easy exept Rookie.  Waltle ended up carrying him over but that was NOT so easy.  You see Rookie came "prepared".  He brought

  • Enough food AND water for 8 weeks
  • His WHOLE closet (clothes)
  • His EPF Spy Gadget
  • Even his duck stuffed animal
     As soon as they got over they kept on.  Then found a good spot to sleep for the night.  And just as the sun peaked up over the mountain they all got up and continued on their journey.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Garys Gone Missing Part 3: The Conclusion

Gary’s Gone Missing


Part 3: The Conclusion

Chapter 1

The Conclusion

            "Herbert has never been this clever to suceed in taking our best agent.  But thanks to his knowledge we have a lock on Herberts location.  Jetpack guy will lead Slider33 and Slidoo in a moment into the forest.  Thre you will find Herbert and most importantly Waltle". "On it".  Moments later Jet Pack Guy had taken to a secret part of the forest that was used in a PSA mission.  Slider33 and Slidoo waddled around looking for clues.  As dawn began rolling in Slider33 and Slidoo waddled into a dark cave to spend the night.  When Slidoo was just about to close his eyes there was a loud sound... it was a sound so terrifying that is awoke all of Club Penguin and it came from the cave that they were in!  Slidoo ran in fear wile Slider33 stood there petrified.  A large bear was in that cave!  Slidoo started panaking and got out his duck floating device.  Slider33 started crying in disbelief.  Then the bear started running towards Slidoo.  But just as it seem that Slidoo wasnt going to make it the "bear" tripped and fell.  When it fell it broke into a million pieces.  Slidoo then knew it was a plan form Herbert.  Lets get out of here said Slider33.  But Slidoo knew better. It was obiously trying to trap them.  Slidoo walked deeper into the cave.  He saw many parts from older inventions that Gary had made.  As Slidoo and Slider33  were almost at the end of the cave they saw a light.  They ran towards it.  They saw statues, bottons, switches and Gary!  And Waltle!  They quickly realesed them and ran for the exit.  Outside of the cave they saw Jetpack Guy holding Herbert!  Lets go get this furry guy in jail he said.  After Herbert was in jail they all high fivbed and threw a party.  They never thought they would catch Herbert,  but it was all thanks to Waltle AND Jetpack guy.  But even though he was behind bars.  He managed to escape...

Monday, August 2, 2010

Gary’s Gone Missing Part 2: The Search

 Gary’s Gone Missing

  Part 2: The Search

Chapter 1

The Search:

                         Terror in Club Penguin happened after 2 days of Gary's disappearance. The Pizzatron 3000 had stopped working. The Aqua Grabber had a cracked window, and the Switchbox 3000 had fallen apart. It seems that after Gary was gone all of his inventions had just fallen apart. Club Penguin then realized that it's up to all of them to find and save Gary. The PSA had checked in every inch of Club Penguin to find Gary. But sadly they didn't find Gary. There were no clues, but... Waltle had found something. It was Gary's lab coat... it was on the tallest mountain in a tree. He was looking there because it was right next to the Fire Dojo. Then suddenly a force of wind struck Waltle and pulled him in to a cave. The cave looked familiar from one of the missions that Waltle did for the PSA. It then struck him. HERBERT! but it was to late to stop him he was in a cage with Gary and Aunt Arctic. But as Waltle saw Aunt Arctic he wondered when she got there because he was never notified that she had gone missing also. "Waltle"! Thanks goodness your here. Gary and Aunt Arctic told Waltle that a penguin in a black ski mask had grabbed them and taken them into this cage. Waltle then remembered a penguin in a black ski mask drop a not into a hole that him and Rookie were in. I know how to get out of here but just as he said that Gary And Aunt Arctic were gone.

After a long thought about what had just happened he heard a noise...  But what was the noise???  THATS IT! Herbert was innocent.  This is because NO penguin would ever work with Herbert.  Unless the so called "penguin" wasnt a penguin!  Because the penguin is always wearing a black ski mask, maybe Herbert is Guilty! Hmm...  Well as the noise got closer  he heard a puffle!  Hey!  Its the black puffle from the PSA mission!  As the puffle opened the cage he snuckout and saw Gary walking down the path to the river.  Waltle ran over to him,  "Hello" said Waltle but Gary did not anwser.  "Umm HELLO Gary"!  But Gary still did not anwser.  As Gary reached the river he did not stop walking.  Was he insane!  Waltle realized that something was wrong.  Just then a group of penguins came running after him.  They did not look friendly.  They had their arms streached out like a zombie.  Waltle ran and ran to get away.  Then he tripped on a tree stump.  Hmm...  the tree stump was made of plastic.  Suddenly he fell...

Chapter 2:

The Trap!

                                     HA HA HA!  It was Hrebert!  He was in a secret lair with an electrinic penguin!  I got you Waltle and now there is nobody to stop my plans!  What plans?  Oh... Well im building electronic penguin zombies to take over Club Penguin!  WHAT!  Said Waltle,  you wont get away with this!  Ya well how do you plan to stop me???  "Like THIS"!  Then Waltle pulled out his spy phone and teleported to the Town.  Oh my!  The robot penguins have taken over Club Penguin!  Everything was gone!  The buildings, the trees, EVEN THE SNOW!  The robot penguins were all running down a path towards the Town.  I got to hide!  He quickly dogged into a tree to hide.  As the robots passed through the Town he saw accual penguins tied to their backs.  Hmm I wonder where they are taking those penguins said Waltle.  As he entered the Forest Waltle saw a gigantic hole.  Thats where all the robots were taking all the penguins.   He hid from all the robots to get to the hole.   He saw all the penguins of Club Penguin just standing there.  Fire started to break out through out Club Penguin and Club Penguin was soon to be gone!  I cant believe that Herbert was this smart!  I have to stop all these robots!   He sped to where Herbert was hiding.  Freeze Herbert as Waltle walked into the room.  Waltle quickly hit the Shut Down botton and handcuffed Herbert.  Ha I got you Herbert.  Soon Club Penguin was back to normal.  The PSA was very happy to see Herbert behind bars.  The PSA later concludes that Herbert will spend 3 years in jail and will leave with Rockhopper in 3 years to a different island. 

Chapter 3:

The Escape!

                 3 days later, at dawn, ther was a loud explosion.  As Waltle went to see what had happened  he notced the Sport Shop on fire.  He also saw Herbert escape!  Waltle quickly ran after him but Herbert soon was out of sight.  As he rushed back to Club Penguin he saw that the PSA had put out the fire and had been searching for Herbert.  Waltle had told them where Herbert had run off to and that he must of caused that explosion.  We have to catch him!  We will but I want to see his next plan said Waltle.  WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY said Rookie.  No said the Direstor I think Waltle might be right.  If we wait until he strikes again mabey it will lead our best agent Waltle and our second best agent Slider33 to where Herbert is located at.  Well I suppose all we can do is hope that Herberts next strike wont be do "distructive" and soon.  Here is your mission.  Waltle you go try and find Herbert, look where you last saw him and rember to look where you least expect him to be.  Rookie you go with Jetpack Guy and look in the sky.  And Slider33 will look with Slidoo.  "Who is Slidoo" said Waltle?  He is umm...well he is an agent that is right behind you!  "Oh...AHH, WOW you scared me"!  Hehe thats my specialty.  Good luck agents and rember, protect this island with your life!

 Chapter 3:

The Plan!

         After 4 days of searching the island for Herbert there was no trace of him anywhere.  As fall started to roll in and everything was getting decorated for Holloween...Herbert's new plan was in action!  No one knew, until the dark and stormy night.  Club Penguin was like a dead ghost town.  But the PSA knew Herbert knew that this was a perfect time to strike.  There were multiple PSA agents at each door of each building.  There was no way Herbert was getting away this time. Suddenly, all the power went out.  The PSA knew it was Herbert.  They all jumped into action runnimg around Club Penguin tyrying to find Herbert.  But Waltle knew better.  This was oviously a plan to distract the PSA agents from stoping him.  After minutes Waltle found Herbert in the Boiler Room tunnling underground!  Waltle quickly ran after him but it was no use...As he searched the Boiler Room he found everything to be exactly where they were before!  But why was Herbert in the Boiler Room then???  Then it struck Waltle.  The old Club Penguin Times!  He quickly ran over to the large green cabinet where all the old newspapers were held.  THEY WERE GONE!!!  Waltle then knew thats what he was trying to do, but why???  Waltle reported everything.  But Herbert didnt do much for all that commotion to happen.  Waltle knew there was something else.  What would he do with newspaper???  Waltle burst out with a detail conclusion but then... He was GONE!

The Next Story Coming Soon!


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Garys Gone Missing!

Once upon a time there was a penguin named Waltle. He lived in an igloo, but not just any ordinary igloo, it was a dojo igloo with a dance floor and 10 colored lights on the wall. It had 20 wall speakers but Waltle still thought it was rustic and it needed more things. He looked in the catalog to see the new items. Wow there was a flat screen TV, a fireplace, party balloons, a sign that says “PARTY”, a DJ table and a popcorn machine! Waltle wanted everything but it all cost so much, 2,467 coins to be exact. He only had 200 coins and he needed them to buy puffle food and baths for his 8 puffles that he owned. So he dropped the catalog on to the cold hard floor with a sigh. Suddenly he heard a giant bang, then a crash, then the sound that the jetpack makes when it’s on. “Ring ring ring” Waltles spy phone rang. As he answered the phone the director of the PSA and the EPF shouted “Gary also known G has gone missing” he said that a jetpack is also gone and they need his help right away. So he hit the button that said “VISIT HQ”. Then he suddenly appeared in the HQ. He waddled around the HQ woundering where everyone was and trying to find clues. Then as he entered the gadget room he saw a gaping hole in the wall. There he saw Rookie and Jetpack Guy next to the hole. I think Gary needed to go to the bathroom. Jetpack guy took two steps back and says “what does this sign say” Rookie said “Bathroom”. So do you think he made a giant hole to go the the bathroom when there is one right there. No said Rookie. As Waltle checked the hole he said "come no futher ill go and investigate". He waddled over to the Mine where he saw that there was jetpack fuel scattered around the floor. He saw that it led into the Mine. Ring ring ring. His spy phone rang again. The guy you seek is not found in a place where penguins dance all around. Well he could think of a million places where penguins dance all around and that was everywhere.  "Some clue" he said. The jetpack fuel led into the deep dark grueling cave. As he started to enter the cave he heard a loud clang noise. Then as he turned he saw a penguin on a mine cart out of control darting strait at him. Waltle quickly took action by pulling the string that puffed out his rubber duck, but as the cart slammed into him he soon realized the rubber duck floating thing did nothing but pop. Well hi said the green penguin with the red propeller cap. "Rookie what are you doing here"? Well I thought you were lost and came to help you. How did you know I was here? Well I didn’t I just love to ride the mine carts. Oh let’s just go find Gary

As Waltle and Rookie kept on walking they stepped in some hot sauce. As Waltle bent down to analyze it they fell in a trap door. 1 minute later a penguin with a black ski mask came and he dropped a note and the note said …

Well Well Well looks like you fell into my trap. I’ve got Gary and I don’t think you will ever get him. Well that is if you somehow tend to get out of my trap which you won’t. Gary is at a place where the master trains his students or grasshoppers. Atop of a hot place where penguins deal with fire. This is not a easy place to get into so better try your…

The penguin shouts BEST! And then he runs away.

                                                       Well said Waltle this is not good. As soon as he said that an explorer penguin walked right past the hole. Umm excuse me but as if you can’t tell we are kind of stuck here.’’ So said the penguin as he walked right passed us get out yourself’’. ‘’Well then’’ said Waltle. ‘’Well I can help one way but do you really need to get out of that hole because I kind of like seeing you down there’’. Yes I do so please, and then suddenly the penguin vanished. Two hours later Waltle and rookie were still in that hole. Wait said Waltle my spy phone. The teleport button ill teleport us out of this hole hold on. So as Waltle pushed the button the appeared in the ski village. They then waddled over to the dojo and then entered the Fire Dojo. There he is! Gary was dangling above the lava but then he in the wink of an eye he vanished but he did not fall into the lava, but he was gone. Most of the penguins started to cry, they didn’t know what had happened of if he had died. The truth will never be known.  Well that is until I write the next story!